English « Montessori Zentrum München
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  • English
  • Our house for all ages
    Welcome to the International Montessori Zentrum München e.V. (IMZ). We are a children's daycare and a membership organization that was founded in 2004. Our beginnings go back to a bold initiative from a small group of parents in 1988.

    Today, the IMZ is a daycare facility, which consists of a kindergarten and a nursery with two groups each: 19-sun and moon children and ten stars and rainbow children play, laugh, read, cuddle, experiment, splash, argue, learn and celebrate in our free-standing house in Munich-Oberföhring. Surrounded by a big garden overgrown with old trees.

    Every child should find its second home - a place in its group and a lot of space for personal development. Because for us, every child can develop at its own pace.

    Why are we international? 
    Although we had to give up the original plan to make consistent bilingual groups, we have kept the name: As before, we look after children of many different nationalities.

    We are an inclusive organization
Children who require close monitoring by a specialist, can find here a place to develop according to their capabilities, supported by trained personnel. Children with disabilities are not seen as being "different" but are part of our normality.

    Registration nursery 
Information and visits are available to parents by calling: Phone 089 / 95 84 18 29

Send the application for the nursery (PDF) to kinderkrippe@montessori-muenchen.com

    Registration kindergarten 
Information and visits are available to parents by calling: Phone 089 / 95 84 18 29

Send the application for the kindergarten (PDF) to kindergarten@montessori-muenchen.com

    The heart of our institution is education.
    Taking care of the welfare of our children is a wonderful team of a total of 15 specialist and complementary forces with a cross-group management that directs the educational thread. Since 2000, we are a recognized Montessori facility. In our nursery the pedagogy of Maria Montessori is completed with the teachings of Emmi Pikler.

    We are a parents' initiative
    The involvement of parents is a prerequisite and basis of our institution. The pedagogues, with their work, form the core which is supported by parental involvement in different areas and assures that our children can benefit from all that energy and care.